We’ll help you create ideas, construct the plot of a story, and find a way to tell engaging stories. We are always exploring new narrative forms and effective methods that excite the listener.
Stories worth telling
- Kantu Bat Gara - Jon Maia
- Katedralak Podcast
- 10 minututan
- Artxipelagoa
- Barruan Gaude
- Estamos Dentro
- Basque Culture
- Cookie eta Kafea
- Eden
- Ahots Planeta
- Bi Ahotsetan
- Holobiontea EUSESP
- Ispilu Beltza
- Ahots Kooperatiboak
- Defensoras Ecofeministas
- Harresi Ikusezina EUS/ESP/FR
- Norte Sur
- Opera Prima EUS/ESP
- Orbita Laika
- Tabakalera Ahotsak
- Urratsa
We record your podcast or audio content, even if it means moving to the other side of the world, emphasizing the quality and authenticity of the sound. After recording we also manage the production, assembly and post production.
In order to reach maximum exposure, we help organize the podcast distribution and audio platforms and, if necessary, a publication strategy for social media.


Our Team
The ULU Media team is made up of professionals with vast experience in journalism, communication, sound editing and storytelling.

Brunet Building Oria Etorbidea, 10 – 201 20160 Lasarte-Oria, Gipuzkoa tel 685 773 578 email info@ulu.eus